Friday, January 27, 2012

Learning to Knit

I picked up my knitting needles the other day. For some reason, knitting wasn't that hard. I think it's one of those things that you have to keep trying over and over again until you get it. I kid you not. This was probably my fourth or even fifth attempt to knit. I guess the learning curve varies a lot from person to person. I'm still better at the purl stitch over the knit stitch. Haven't figured why though. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Overall, I'd have to say crocheting is easier. The stitches are easier to pick up because you have a hook instead of a needle. On top of that, you only have to deal with one hook rather than two needles. One huge downside though... crocheting is much bulkier than knitting! Knitting just looks better.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in picking up a hobby, you should definitely try crocheting first. Be warned though. Crocheting is way easier, so once you master crocheting, knitting may become a challenge. Are you up for it? :)

Next up: something that's white, fuzzy and makes a funny noise.

♥ Debbie
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