Thursday, July 15, 2010

So I've decided to give sewing another chance...

... because I gave crochet another chance after years of neglect.

It would be unbelievably awesome if I can sew as well as I crochet! This way, I can spare myself the headache from finding clothes that I like and clothes that fit and look good on me. Wishful thinking, I know... but I like to be optimistic about it :)

Anyway, here are some fun pictures!

For my oldest sister. And yes, I make her a lot of bears! It looks similar to the first one.. but the head is actually smaller and it's really, really tiny. Like tiny as in 1.5 inches short.

Next up are my beloved chickies!

Hehehehehe. They're just so much fun to play with.

Yes. I know. Nothing new. You've already seen them...  but they're just TOO FREAKING CUTE!! Just looking at them makes me happy. I'm making a whole army by the way. Yes. It will be amazing. They are already prepared as I type this. All I need to do is cut out their eyes, beaks, cheeks, and feet, then glue it on and they'll be done!

......... Oh, but I did forget to mention that I hate doing that part. I've been putting it off for a long time. Like... I think I have 20 of the balls ready to be assembled long. *Siiiiigh* Maybe tomorrow. If I do get to that tomorrow, I will have another surprise!

*Hint: He's brown, small and has fingers.

That's all for today! Thanks for reading!

♥ Debbie

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